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The Human Business

How to love your customers so they love you back

Get happy customers who buy more – and happy employees who do more. How? By starting with your strengths. The Human Business reveals a new model for aligning culture, brand and customer experience to give people the experiences they want.

After three decades of working with large, global businesses like Vodafone, Aviva and Google, Ben Afia is sharing his secrets. Packed with insights and practical tools, The Human Business helps leaders in large businesses make life better for your employees and your customers.

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What you'll get

Practical steps, case studies and hard-won experience

  • A way to understand what your culture's like at its best.

  • How to create values and behaviours that resonate.

  • A practical approach to aligning your leaders and people.

  • A way to develop brand strategy that helps you deliver on your promise.

  • How to make that human connection with customers.

“Companies routinely fail to deliver on their marketing problems. Ben’s brilliant caterpillar model gives you multiple ways to do something about that. This is a smart, practical and of course very human book about taking care of your people and your customers.”

Michael Croton

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Transforming customer experience

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Ben Afia speaker showreel

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Ben Afia Stay Human podcast 1 CBE

Stay Human podcast 1. Connecting culture, brand and experience

Ben Afia Stay Human podcast 2 Experience

Stay Human Podcast 2. Customer experience

Ben Afia Stay Human podcast 3 Brand

Stay Human podcast 3. Brand strategy


4 min read

How does Appreciative Inquiry work?

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) inspires change by involving people in creating the kind of organisation they want to belong to...

Culture brand experience donut

2 min read

Why aligning your culture, brand and customer experience matters

If you’re leading a company you want every person in your organisation to know what you do, why do you do it and how do you do it – your vision, purpose, culture and brand...

Ben Afia brand voice red blog resized

2.5 min read

Tone of what? Voice and tone? Brand voice? Explain…

Brand personality is a powerful way to understand how your business relates to your customers…
