My approach

Connect your culture, brand and experience
If you’re not connecting your culture, brand and customer experience you’re missing out on growth.
3 steps that'll transform your customer comms
Engage, motivate and focus your employees. They’ll improve your customer experience. And that’ll improve your commercial results.
Here’s how it works
1 Energise your employee experience
I’ve been inside organisations learning what works – and what doesn’t – since 1995. My greatest frustration is seeing a disconnect between the promise and delivery, between brand and culture. I’ll make the connection – helping you keep your promises to your customers. Because that’s what makes them happy.
2 Build a better brand
Many brand strategies are based on insight, but not on the culture’s ability to deliver. I start by understanding the strengths of your culture – the qualities that have made you successful so far. Building on those strengths, we develop a brand strategy that isn’t just a fanciful concept. Your brand will be deeply rooted in your culture’s ability to deliver. Which means you can be confident you’re giving the service you promised.
3 Transform your customer experience
Having aligned your culture and brand strategy we can make these real in every interaction with your customers. We’ll map their journey, discover how they’re feeling and when, and transform each moment of contact. And with this new, clear direction, we’ll train your teams to build their empathy and coach them to sustain it.
Do you have questions?
What do we get?
There's a huge range of benefits to this work – these examples are just the start. Clients often tell me it's transformed their organisation.
Employee experience
Tangible benefits – Leadership alignment, values, behaviours and engagement.
Intangible benefits – Your culture will feel different and better. Clients say their teams are more engaged and energised.
Brand strategy
Tangible benefits – An engaging strategy, eg purpose, vision, values, personality, tone of voice. Your brand story and brand messaging.
Intangible benefits – A sense of purpose and focus. Your people will be clear where you’re leading them and feel more excited and motivated about the journey. Your customers will have a clearer understanding of who you are, what you stand for and why they should buy from you.
Customer experience
Tangible benefits – Written and spoken brand guidelines and skills. Training you can deliver and your trainers trained. A coaching skills framework and training.
Intangible benefits – Your people will feel more confident and better equipped. Customers will feel more cared for, they’ll like you more and be more likely to buy. Clients tell me I helped them become more customer-focused.
Do we have to do all of this?
No. You very likely have some parts of my model in place already – we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. My experience is that all these things combine to generate and sustain deep transformation. And no business has the capacity to tackle it all once. It’s a journey and simply by starting, you’ll improve your situation. We'll focus on something concrete and tangible and do it well. That'll prove the business case and then we can take the next step.
Do we have to work in this order?
I put culture, brand and customer experience in this order because everything stems from your culture. But we can begin wherever you have the most urgent need. Some clients are delivering great service on the phone, but things go wrong in writing, so we start there. Others are merging or relaunching and need brand strategy first, so that’s the logical starting point.
How do you deliver all this as one person?
I only take on one or two new clients each year. That makes sure I have the right capacity for you. I also have a team of around 20 associates, many of who I’ve worked with for more than a decade (or two) – strategists, culture experts, trainers, coaches, designers, copywriters and more.
Who do you need to work with?
We’ll be looking into why you exist, what makes you different, what you believe in and how you want to behave. So it only makes sense to make decisions at exec/c-suite level, CEO in particular. I’ll need their input and sign-off at various stages, but I’ll shoulder the workload and take as little of their time as is practical. I’ll also recruit a team of influencers or champions from across the business. The more time they can spend, the faster you’ll get results. We’ll also need a project team or person, who might sit in People, Brand, Marketing, Customer Service and/or Project Management.
How do we maintain it?
The best way to maintain change is to have a group leading it from within. So I’ll help you recruit a team of influencers or champions from across the business. Their job is to make sure their area of the business feels heard and that we’ve responded to their needs. I’ll help the influencers plan how to bring any change to their area and to maintain it in the long run. This often involves training them to deliver training and or coaching. My aim is always to make you independent, so you don’t need me any more.
What will it cost?
Every business is different and what matters is what's valuable to you and your stakeholders. Many people start with a £10k audit and go step-by-step from there. You may just need a crisp articulation of your vision, mission, objectives, strategy and tactics (VMOST). Or you may want to transform yourself into a more customer-focused organisation. We’ll agree a scope of work and cost right at the start, so you’re always in control. I usually offer options, too, to give you choice.
How do we pay?
We’ll usually agree a fixed fee for the scope of work at the start. Then we’ll agree the terms, for example, one-off, phased payments or retainers.
How will we measure results?
We’ll agree this at the start of the project. We’ll start with what you measure right now because you already have the mechanisms in place. Then we'll see if we need anything else specific. Examples from other projects include cost/income ratio, cost to serve, Net Promoter Score (NPS), Employee Promoter Score (ENPS), engagement, customer satisfaction, brand awareness, customer lifetime value… the options are virtually endless.